
현지에서 통하는 영어 말하기, 토크이엔지에서 시작하세요.

Total (132)
 총 문서 : 132    페이지 : 9/9 2  

No. Title Name Date Hit

 What are your greatest strenghts?  

22-06-14 12:43:39

Hit : 101


 Why should we hire you?  

22-06-07 14:52:56

Hit : 104


 Tell me about a significant crisis you have faced in your most recent position.  

22-05-31 16:44:23

Hit : 102


 Describe a conflict that you faced at work and how you dealt with it.  

22-05-26 12:35:06

Hit : 102


 Tell me about your worst boss.  

22-05-24 12:35:26

Hit : 102


 What is your greatest professional achievement?  

22-05-19 11:28:56

Hit : 104


 Why do you want to change roles?  

22-05-16 11:42:08

Hit : 112


 How has your career so far prepared you for this position?  

22-05-11 10:15:08

Hit : 106


 How did you hear about the position?  

22-05-03 10:53:14

Hit : 115


 What interests you about this particular job?  

22-04-26 12:03:50

Hit : 121


 Why do you want to work for this company?  

22-04-22 15:46:27

Hit : 112


 Tell me about yourself  

22-04-21 12:17:45

Hit : 122


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9     



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토크이엔지 / 대표자 : 김복자 / 정보관리자 : 김복자 / 카카오톡채널 바로가기 / 상담전화 : 1661-8896  / 상담시간 : 평일 10:00~18:00

주소 : 강원도 강릉시 토성로 39 104-1502  / 사업자등록번호 : 226-02-85814 / 웹호스팅사 : 카페24(https://www.cafe24.com)

통신판매업신고번호 : 제2010-강원강릉-0119호  /  이메일 : talkeng@hanmail.net

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