
현지에서 통하는 영어 말하기, 토크이엔지에서 시작하세요.

Total (132)
 총 문서 : 132    페이지 : 4/9 2  

No. Title Name Date Hit

 What steps would you take if you notice a passenger showing signs of distress or illness during a flight?  

23-08-23 13:57:22

Hit : 50


  As a flight attendant, how do you manage work-life balance and take care of your well-being during busy periods?  

23-08-17 09:43:02

Hit : 50


  How do you handle conflicts or disagreements with fellow crew members or team members?  

23-08-11 13:15:09

Hit : 47


 In the event of an emergency evacuation, what steps would you take to ensure the passengers' safety and orderly evacuation?  

23-08-07 13:29:56

Hit : 37


 How do you ensure the safety and comfort of passengers during turbulence or other challenging situations?  

23-08-04 10:03:41

Hit : 45


 Can you describe a time when you provided exceptional service to a passenger with specific needs, such as an elderly passenger   

23-08-01 10:18:08

Hit : 48


 How would you handle a disruptive passenger during a flight?  

23-07-27 21:10:58

Hit : 52


 How do you maintain composure and remain calm under pressure?  

23-07-17 11:47:59

Hit : 67


 What steps do you take to ensure your personal grooming and appearance meet the standards of a flight attendant?  

23-07-06 12:44:51

Hit : 49


 Do you have any medical conditions or physical limitations that may affect your ability to perform the job?  

23-07-05 09:24:54

Hit : 41


 How do you handle cultural diversity and language barriers when dealing with passengers from different backgrounds?  

23-06-29 12:55:23

Hit : 49


  Are you willing to relocate or work irregular hours including weekends and holidays?  

23-06-28 11:45:40

Hit : 47


  How do you handle working in a fast-paced and dynamic environment?  

23-06-22 15:24:34

Hit : 48


 Can you provide an example of a time when you went above and beyond to assist a passenger or solve a problem?  

23-06-22 15:19:35

Hit : 39


 How do you handle working in a team and resolving conflicts within a team?  

23-06-22 15:14:50

Hit : 40


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9     



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토크이엔지 / 대표자 : 김복자 / 정보관리자 : 김복자 / 카카오톡채널 바로가기 / 상담전화 : 1661-8896  / 상담시간 : 평일 10:00~18:00

주소 : 강원도 강릉시 토성로 39 104-1502  / 사업자등록번호 : 226-02-85814 / 웹호스팅사 : 카페24(https://www.cafe24.com)

통신판매업신고번호 : 제2010-강원강릉-0119호  /  이메일 : talkeng@hanmail.net

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