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Senior course > Climate change set to cut average income by 19%, report warns
작성일 : 24-05-02 / 조회수 : 16

Part I. Vocabulary

* Scenarios (suh-NAR-ee-ohz) - Plausible sequences of events or situations that could unfold in the future.

Ex. he report considers different emission scenarios to assess the potential economic impacts of climate change by 2050.

* Productivity (prod-uhk-TIV-uh-tee) - The effectiveness of effort in producing desired results or outcomes.

Ex. Higher temperatures due to climate change can reduce worker productivity, particularly in outdoor industries like manufacturing and agriculture.

* Mitigating (MIT-uh-gay-ting) - Reducing the severity or impact of something.

Ex. Mitigating climate change through effective policies and actions can help minimize future economic losses and protect vulnerable regions.

* Projection (pruh-JEK-shun) - An estimate or forecast of future trends or developments based on current data.

Ex. The report provides projections of the economic impacts of climate change, highlighting the urgent need for action to address the issue.

* Greenhouse (GREEN-hous) - A structure with a transparent roof and walls, used for growing plants that require regulated climatic conditions.

Ex. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is crucial to mitigating the impacts of climate change and preventing further economic damage.

Part II. Article

In the Philippines this week, schools were closed as students and teachers were ordered to stay at home amid temperatures close to 40° C. 

As many parts of the world experience extreme weather, new research warns that the global impacts of a changing climate 

are set to cost $38 trillion a year by 2050.

That means a reduction in the world's average income of some 19%, those losses are locked in says report co-author Maximilan Kotz.

Maximilan Kotz:  What we find ist hat over the next uh 25 to 30 years, impacts on the economy are consistent across different emission scenarios

regardless of whether we enter a high emission or a low emission world."

Climate change and especially higher temperatures have been shown to impact worker productivity, says Kotz.

Kotz: And that's going to then be manifest across a numerous different industries although it's particularly strong those impacts,

uh when workers are outdoors so in contexts like manufacturing uh sectors. And then we also know that impacts on agricultural productivity 

are very strong from again particularly high temperatures."

The research looked at climate and economic data from the past 40 years, from more than 1,600 regions across the world and 

used it to assess future impacts. Those least responsible for global emissions are likely to be worst hit.

Kotz: Regions in the global south are those which are most vulnerable and which are going to be most strongly affected by future climate change 

uh and the simple reason for that is that these regions they're already hotter."

The report concludes that tackling climate change would be far cheaper than putting up with the economic damage. It says the cost of reducing 

greenhouse gas emissions would be just a sixth of the $38 trillion impact of climate change by 2050.

Part III. Comprehension

1. Why were schools closed in the Philippines recently?

2. What warning does new research provide about the global impacts of climate change by 2050?

3. According to report co-author Maximilan Kotz, what are the projected economic losses due to climate change by 2050?

4. How does climate change, particularly higher temperatures, affect worker productivity?

5. Who are likely to be the worst-hit by the future impacts of climate change, according to Maximilan Kotz?

Part IV. Discussion

1. How do you think extreme weather events, like the heatwave in the Philippines, impact people's daily lives?

2. What measures do you think governments and communities can take to mitigate the economic impacts of climate change?

3. How might climate change affect different industries and sectors in your community?

4. Do you think individuals can play a role in addressing climate change? If so, how?

5. What strategies can be implemented to raise awareness about the urgency of addressing climate change?






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