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Junior course > Pakistan's Malaria Surge Linked to Climate Change
작성일 : 24-04-25 / 조회수 : 22

Part I. Vocabulary

* Malaria (muh-LAIR-ee-uh) - A serious infectious disease caused by parasites transmitted to humans through the bite of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes.

Ex.  Yasir Mehmood has been hospitalized for malaria treatment due to symptoms such as high fever and body pains.

* Cerebral (suh-REE-bruhl) - Relating to the brain or cerebrum.

Ex. Dr. Naila Tabassum warns of the dangers of cerebral malaria, which can affect the brain and pose significant risks, particularly for middle-aged individuals.

* Breeding (BREED-ing) - The production of offspring or young by animals or plants.

Ex. Mosquito breeding grounds, such as stagnant water in dirty areas, contribute to the spread of malaria.

* Monsoon (mon-SOON) - A seasonal wind in South and Southeast Asia, especially the Indian subcontinent, blowing from the southwest between May 

and  September, bringing heavy rainfall.

Ex. Malaria cases often rise during the monsoon season due to increased mosquito breeding in stagnant water.

* Catastrophic (ka-tuh-STROF-ik) -  Involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering.

Ex. The catastrophic floods in 2022 led to stagnant water accumulation, exacerbating the malaria outbreak in Pakistan.

Part II. Article

Local resident Yasir Mehmood has been treated for malaria at Capitol Hospital Islamabad for the past week. He says he went to the hospital 

when his symptoms got worse.

Yasir Mehmood: The body is too weak, when I cough my entire body hurts. I can't walk much, I also can't talk a lot as the pain  worsens and my throat hurts."

Pakistan ranks among the Eastern Mediterranean countries with the most malaria cases. Typical symptoms include high fever and body pains.

Dr. Naila Tabassum: Malaria affects people over all ages. It affects children, adults, but for middle-aged people it can be dangerous 

because for most of them, it can affect their brains. This is also called cerebral malaria."

Infections with the mosquito born disease rise when the insects have the easiest time finding breeding grounds.

Dr. Frahan Ali: As soon as the monsoon season starts especially in May when it's raining, water collects in different places, this leads 

to a rise in malaria cases because malaria is a transmitted disease. Transmitted by mosquitoes, so wherever there is stagnant water 

like in dirty areas behind refrigerators, behind tires, all these things contribute to the spread of this disease."

Stagnant water was a major problem following catastrophic floods in 2022. Experts say climate change likely made those floods worse. 

The resulting malaria outbreak was the worst in Pakistan since 1973 according to the World Health Organization. 

About 2.6 million people got malaria in 2022 compared to half a million the year before.

Dr. Allan Schapira: The number of cases which had been seen in previous years had increased by at least a 100%. There were areas 

which had not been affected which became affected particularly in Balochistan and and Sindh.

Yasir Mahmood is concerned about his three children's Health as well. He says they live in an area near a stream that attracts mosquitoes.

The local municipal committee says it is doing what it can and says they will conduct widespread mosquito repellent spraying this year 

just as they have done in previous years. 

Part III. Comprehension

1. Who is Yasir Mehmood, and why has he been treated at Capitol Hospital Islamabad?

2. What are some typical symptoms of malaria?

3. When do infections with malaria rise, according to Dr. Frahan Ali?

4. How did climate change contribute to the malaria outbreak in Pakistan in 2022?

5. Why is Yasir Mehmood concerned about his children's health?

Part IV. Discussion

1. Why is it important to take preventive measures against malaria?

2. How can communities work together to reduce the spread of mosquito-borne diseases like malaria?

3. How do you think awareness campaigns can help educate people about the risks and prevention of malaria?

4. How can individuals protect themselves and their families from mosquito bites and malaria?

5. Why is it important for governments to invest in healthcare infrastructure to address diseases like malaria?






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