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Senior course > Here's why less than half a foot of sudden rain in Dubai had such a major impact
작성일 : 24-04-18 / 조회수 : 23

Part I. Vocabulary

* Diverted (dih-VUR-ted) - Changed course or direction, especially to avoid an obstacle or reach a different destination.

Ex. Flights at Dubai International Airport were diverted to other airports due to the heavy rain and flooding.

* Underprepared (uhn-der-pruh-PAIRD) - Not adequately equipped or ready for a particular situation or task.

Ex. Dubai was underprepared for the heavy rainfall, lacking sufficient drainage systems to handle the volume of water.

* Draining (DREY-ning) - The process of removing water or other liquids from an area or object.

Ex. The lack of adequate draining systems exacerbated the flooding in Dubai during the unexpected rainfall.

* Cycle (SY-kul) - A series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order.

Ex. The water cycle describes the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the surface of the Earth.

* Fuels (FYOO-uhls) - Intensifies or enhances the development or occurrence of something.

Ex. Climate change fuels extreme weather events by increasing temperatures and altering weather patterns.

Part II. Article

All it took was 24 hours for Dubai to go from this, to this. Numbers wise, it's not hat much rain, less than 6 inches 

but that was more rain in a single day than the city receives in an entire year on average.

It was so bad that it delayed and diverted flights at Dubai International Airport, the world's second busiest airport for international travel.

Kanish Kumar Deb Barman: "There are hundreds and thousands of other passengers just like me, in this airport who have been waiting 

for 10 hours, 16 hours, some even for 24 to 30 hours."

People were reportedly sleeping in the airport and in flooded vehicles that became stranded in roadways.

All of this is incredibly unusual in the UAE which is typically dry. Rains usually fall in the cooler months but the nation was far underprepared 

for this kind of downpour and didn't have adequate draining systems in place but it's only getting more and more likely 

that events like this will start happening in the most unexpected of places across the world.

Global temperatures are only increasing and as they continue to do so it impacts the water cycle and fuels weather events making them 

far more extreme and far less predictable.

Part III. Comprehension

1. What caused the disruption in Dubai described in the article?

2. How much rain fell in Dubai within a 24-hour period, and how does this compare to the city's average annual rainfall?

3. How did the heavy rainfall affect Dubai International Airport?

4. What were some of the challenges faced by passengers stranded at the airport?

5. Why was the heavy rainfall considered unusual for the UAE?

Part IV. Discussion

1. How might the unexpected heavy rainfall in Dubai impact the city's infrastructure and daily life?

2. What measures could be taken to better prepare cities like Dubai for extreme weather events in the future?

3. How do you think climate change might affect the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events worldwide?

4. In what ways could the experience of heavy rainfall in Dubai serve as a lesson for other cities and regions vulnerable to climate change?

5. Discuss the potential economic and social implications of extreme weather events like the one experienced in Dubai.






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